November 30 – St. Andrew apostle

Site 13: Amalfi, Italy

tomb of St. Andrew

Today brings us to Amalfi, Italy to celebrate the feast of Saint Andrew.   Screen Shot 2017-11-28 at 9.39.26 PM.png

Andrew was one of Jesus’ twelve apostles as well as the brother of Saint Peter.  The intersection of these two characteristics actually, is my favorite thing about Saint Andrew.  When Jesus approaches the Twelve in their boat on the stormy water of the Galilean Sea, Andrew calls his brother to come see.  This is actually the episode (Mt 14:29) when Peter walks on water by faith in Christ who enables him to do so.

IMG_4413.jpgBut the lesser told story behind Peter walking on water is that his brother, Andrew, saw Jesus first. Andrew calls his brother to come see Christ approaching their boatThe ensuing episode of Peter stepping out onto stormy sea water and treading it afoot like Christ does, is one of the many feats Jesus would perform in Peter’s life, ultimately founding His Church on Saint Peter.  Peter, receives a privileged gift from Jesus to walk so closely to Him that Peter becomes the first successor to lead the Church after Jesus—a huge esteem!  Andrew fulfills his role in God’s masterful plan by pushing Peter forward to shine in the role Christ calls him to.  By humility and selfless love, Andrew assumes the beauty of God’s role for him.  IMG_4415.jpg

Andrew is a good patron for all brothers out there, by his demonstration of selfless love.  Truly though, we are all brothers.  The people God places in our lives are His children, and when we see them that way, we open ourselves to the call God gives each of us to love them, our brothers.

Seaside Amalfi, where we ventured to find Saint Andrew’s tomb.


St. Andrew, pray for us!